When the warmer weather rolls around in the Charlotte, Gastonia, and Concord, NC areas, as well as Rock Hill, SC, you want to make sure your air conditioning unit is working properly to keep you, your family, or your employees comfortable. At IRV Plumbing, Electric & HVAC, we offer quality AC maintenance services to ensure your unit is running efficiently. Normal wear and tear on the parts in your unit is expected, especially since the unit works so hard during the long, hot months. Instead of paying costly repair or replacement bills, our HVAC contractors can inspect your unit to help prevent loss of cooling and broken units. Neglecting maintenance services causes a decline in the performance of your air conditioning. Rely on our team today for AC repair and replacements throughout the greater Matthews, NC; Davidson, NC; Huntersville, NC; Charlotte, NC; Gastonia, NC; Concord, NC; Fort Mill, SC & Rock Hill, SC areas. We also are proud to provide emergency AC repair to ensure that you don’t go a day without cool air throughout the year. Contact IRV Plumbing, Electric & HVAC today for your HVAC and heating maintenance services!

AC Maintenance Tasks 

Filters - Replacing the filter is one of the most important tasks you can do for your unit. A clogged, dirty filter can block normal airflow and reduce the system's efficiency. 

Coils - Check the coils for dirt, dust, and other debris. The air conditioner's evaporator coil and condenser coil collect dirt over time. Dirt reduces airflow and insulates the coil, reducing its ability to absorb heat. Outdoor condenser coils can also become dirty and covered with leaves.

Coil Fins - The aluminum fins on the condenser and evaporator coils can block airflow preventing efficiency and costing you money. A simple tool called a fin comb can have your air conditioning unit up and running again in no time. 

Window Seals - One aspect of our air conditioning maintenance tasks that often goes unnoticed is the inspection of the seals of your windows for room units. Without knowing, moisture can damage the seal between the window and your unit, allowing cool air to escape from your house.

Condensate drains - Clean out drains. Clogged drains prevent your unit from reducing humidity in your home. 

Reasons to Keep Up With AC Maintenance

Safety - Even if you think that your AC unit working perfectly, you should have it serviced once a year to make sure that it is operating at its peak energy efficiency entering the most important time of year. 

Energy Efficiency - Having regular checkups can ensure that your AC unit is working as efficiently as possible, and that it is not having to work harder to cool your home than it should be. This helps to keep your energy bills lower. If you notice a spike in those bills, you should call an AC contractor as soon as possible. 

Avoid Potential Repairs - During a routine maintenance check, if there is an issue, our technicians will likely catch it and remedy the situation before it even has a chance to become a significant problem. 

Better for the Environment - Having your air conditioning looked at regularly can help reduce the amount of energy that is being used by your unit, and reducing your home’s carbon footprint on the environment.

Extends the Life of Unit - AC units are expensive and the longer that yours lasts, the better your investment. Scheduling regular maintenance will help your air conditioning system last longer and remain in better quality throughout its years of life. 


  • Checking for the correct amount of refrigerant
  • Testing the unit for leaks using a leak detector 
  • Collecting refrigerant that must be removed from the system (releasing it to the atmosphere is illegal)
  • Check ductwork for leaks
  • Seal ductwork
  • Measure airflow through evaporator coil
  • Inspect electric terminals
  • Clean connections 
  • Tighten connections 
  • Oil motors
  • Check belts 
  • Check accuracy of thermostat
At IRV Plumbing, Electric & HVAC, we can check your air conditioning system up to ensure it is running properly. Contact us today!
HVAC Contractor | Rock Hill, SC | Charlotte, Gastonia & Concord, NC
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